


Twenty years ago I took a temporary job in finance while my music career took off.

After a lot of hard work, it turned out I was much better at financial planning than playing the guitar - though I wasn’t too bad at that!

Whenever I can, I still love the dynamics of playing in a band. Engaging with an audience, understanding what other musicians are doing and crafting a performance.

Today though, I get greater satisfaction from the long-term intricacies of shaping successful financial futures.

But my attempt at rock stardom is probably why I generally work with creative individuals and businesses now.

Driven, exacting, putting their creativity and skills to work entertaining others, solving problems and making things happen, they’re a hard crowd to please.

I’d say, we see the world the same way.


FORD & FORD FINANCIAL PARTNERS | Happily a member of the St. James’s Place Partnership.

When I founded Ford & Ford Financial Partners, I’d already worked for some of the financial world’s biggest brands.

While much of what they did was brilliant, I felt it was too detached from the clients it cared for.

So I left to do business in the way I wanted it to be done.  And in a way my clients and I would enjoy. Personal. Up front. Creative.

Happily, many clients agreed, followed me and have stayed with me.

Today I need to explain to new clients that I’m not an IFA.  I’m an Appointed Representative.

Which means that while I’ll give the best, personalised advice to help clients achieve their financial ambitions, the investment tools we use are from St. James’s Place Wealth Management.

Put formally, Ford & Ford Financial Partners is an Appointed Representative of and only represents St. James’s Place Wealth Management.

Or in other words, Ford & Ford Financial Partners offer the best of both worlds. Financial products with the security of a world class institution. Recommended with orientated creativity and experienced advice.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

St. James’s Place guarantees the suitability of the advice given by members of the St. James’s Place Partnership when recommending any of the wealth management products and services available from companies in the Group, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website at